Selected references
Ginger SOFRECO has substantial experience in all the agribusiness sectors. This experience covers agribusiness sector studies, feasibility studies and engineering studies of agribusiness plants, as well as consultancy services in the organisation, restructuring and privatisation of agribusiness companies, and training. The services provided by Ginger SOFRECO deal in particular with the following sectors:
Sugar and its by-products
Ginger SOFRECO started its activities in the sugar industry, and gained in-depth experience in the design and management of sugar plants in France and Africa, and then in other regions of the world. Ginger SOFRECO also provides support for the privatisation of sugar plants. It is competent in sugar cane and beet factories and their ancillary units (cogenerations, distilleries, yeast factories, etc).
Edible oils
The edible oil sector is often vital to the economy of developing countries because of the large number of people it employs and its contribution to the nutritional requirements of both people and livestock (oil cakes). The assignments carried out by Ginger SOFRECO's teams in this field include market studies, feasibility studies, technical and financial audits, privatisation support, etc.
Cotton and textiles
Ginger SOFRECO's assignments in this area focus on sector analyses at country level and recommendations for their restructuring, diagnostic studies of cotton ginneries and proposals for improving their agronomic, industrial and financial performances, and proposals for the privatisation of ginning companies.
Stimulants (cocoa, coffee, tea)
Ginger SOFRECO mainly carries out assignments in the sectors of tea, tobacco, coffee and cocoa.
Its assignments involve technical assistance and training, market studies, sector diagnoses at national level, the design and engineering of production units, then assistance for their creation and running, as well as the organisation of producers.
Ginger SOFRECO's experience in this sector has been focused on studies for the development of the industry, particularly with respect to outgrowers in Asia, and the restructuring and privatisation of agribusiness plants.
Livestock products (abattoirs, milk, animal feed and by-products)
This sector regroups numerous activities linked to production growth (meat and milk), processing (abattoirs and dairy plants), as well as related activities such as animal feed manufacturing, rural water supply, etc.
Ginger SOFRECO has experience in all of these domains where it provides technical assistance, feasibility studies, privatisation support, and basic and detailed engineering.
Fishery products
In this industry which is essential for a large number of emerging countries, SOFRECO provides technical assistance (rehabilitation of existing companies, creation of new companies) and carries out feasibility studies.
Issues of hygiene, quality, traceability as well as resource conservation, are vital in today's society.
Other industries
Ginger SOFRECO has also sought to diversify its activities in less traditional agribusiness sectors, as well as in heavy industry, the steel industry, metallurgy, building materials, etc., for which its assignments cover four main fields: market studies, feasibility studies, engineering and privatisation support.