Consulting - Engineering - Training
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References by field of expertise
Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Private sector development, enterprises

Selected references

The private sector is the motor of economic growth, and consequently of poverty reduction. Its development is thus of major importance for developing and transition countries, which have often inherited an overdeveloped public sector.   

The development of the private sector is a complex field with multiple actors, and its success can be greatly favoured by long-term support actions at both sectoral and company level.

The development of the private sector also takes place through the effective implementation of privatisation programmes, which can concern one company or an entire economic sector.

The assignments led by SOFRECO in all these fields mainly focus on the following areas:

Support for private sector development

  • Establishment of a legal, regulatory and institutional framework conducive to the development of the private sector.
  • Support to investment promotion agencies.
  • Strengthening the institutional capacity and quality of service provided by public bodies (consular chambers), private bodies (branch organisations, service providers) and producers.
  • Support to programmes for the modernisation of economic sectors with a view to re-establishing their competitiveness and/or exportation capacity.
  • Technical assistance and training to micro-finance organisations.
  • Promotion of the private sector's participation in sectors with predominantly public capital.
  • Support for the creation and development of training organisations aiming to put qualified staff on the labour market.

Support to companies

  • Accounting, financial and organisational audits of companies.
  • Organisation and restructuring of industrial businesses: devising development strategies; operation and maintenance support; introduction of modern management methods; improvement of human resource management.
  • Support to SME/SMIs: commercial development support; improvement of technical, administrative, financial and human resource management; upgrading in the face of competition.
  • Technical and management training for managers and staff.

Accompaniment of public service privatisation and concession programmes

  • Technical audits of companies that could be privatised.
  • Development of privatisation strategies.
  • Restructuring of companies prior to their privatisation.
  • Preparation of bidding documents.
  • Assistance in privatisation operations: launching of calls for tender, assistance in selecting the succesful bidder, and in negotiations with the latter thereafter.
  • Assistance to companies after privatisation.


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