Consulting - Engineering - Training
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References by field of expertise
Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Transport and infrastructure

Selected references

The existence of transport infrastructures adapted to economic operators' needs is a vital necessity for countries. This is why funding agencies finance a great many sectoral transport programmes, which fall within the strategies defined by the national authorities of the countries concerned, defining the desired balance between the different modes of transport, the respective roles of the public and private sectors, and the financing principles of transport infrastructure construction and maintenance.

The assignments carried out by Ginger SOFRECO fit into this context and focus on the following areas:

Transport policy

  • Support for the definition of transport policy and for planning and programming.
  • Development of national transport strategies, particularly in rural areas.
  • Definition of the roles of all the public and private actors, including the local authorities, in the transport sector, development of the appropriate regulatory framework and recommendation of public-private partnership mechanisms.

Organisation of the transport sector

  • Role and organisation of the ministries in charge of transport.
  • Support for the institutional capacity building of transport regulatory agencies.
  • Development and implementation of training programmes intended for all the actors of the transport sector, both public and private.
  • Technical support to Road Maintenance Funds with a view to the improved management of road markets.

Transport sector programmes

  • Feasibility studies of structural adjustment programmes intended to enable the reform of the transport sector.
  • Feasibility studies of transport network structuring projects.
  • Evaluation of the link between transport and poverty in order to improve the efficiency of sectoral interventions.
  • Strategic environmental assessment of transport sector programmes.
  • Technical assistance to the administrations repsonsible for the implementation of transport sector programmes.
92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +