Consulting - Engineering - Training
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References by field of expertise
Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Law and justice

Selected references

The strengthening of the Rule of Law and the reform of the judicial system, which is its concrete translation, are necessary in numerous countries.

Ginger SOFRECO's assignments in these fields concern the following areas:

Strengthening of the Rule of Law

  • Evaluation of election observation projects, recommendations for training observers of the EU Election Observation Mission, and support to national observation bodies.
  • Evaluation of EIDHR projects (European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights).
  • Support in the fight against corruption, particularly during the design of new systems and procedures.
  • Strengthening of civil society: development of populations' participation in planning, decision making procedures and institutions.

Judiciary and penal system reform

  • Analysis of judicial and penal institutions; recommendations for their reform and proposals of priority actions.
  • Support in the management of large projects for justice administration modernisation.
  • Support to improve access to law and justice: setting up of information and legal orientation counters in jurisdictions; setting up legal databases accessible on the internet, development and implementation of actions to inform users and citizens on the modernisation of the judicial system.
  • Support to modernise the administration of justice in order to reduce judgement times and enable better monitoring of criminal and civil cases: modernisation of the management and functioning of courts and tribunals, criminal and civil justice chains, creation of computerised case management systems, and training judicial staff on using the new systems and tools.
  • Establishment of training programmes with a view to strengthening the professional competences of judicial staff (magistrates, lawyers, bailiffs, solicitors, clerks, officers of justice, prison staff).
  • Setting up and formalisation of partnerships between national legal and penitentiary training institutions and their European counterparts.
  • Support to modernise administrative justice, commercial justice, civil justice and criminal justice.
  • Development of alternatives to imprisonment.
  • Strengthening of reintegration policies.
92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +