Exploration for strategic minerals at 17 prospect sites (2023-2024) |
Evaluation of the mineral potential for 17 sites and recommendations for further work.
Independent Review and Sign off of Al Khabra Mine & B6 Mining License Jorc Ore Reserves & Mineral Resources Reports (2025) |
Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves evaluation and reporting for the Al Khabra phosphate mine and B6 mining license (2024). |
Infill drilling in the UMW4-5 & UMW-W5 mining licenses (2023-2024) |
Planning and conduct of a drilling campaign (destructive and core drilling) aimed at increasing the level of confidence in the phosphate resources of the Umm Wu'al 4 and Umm Wu'al 5 mining licences and updating of the resource estimate report to include the new data. |
Mineral Resources & Ore Reserve reports 2021, 2022, 2023 for the Al Jalamid Phosphate mine and AJ1 license area (JORC compliant) (2022-2024) |
Yearly Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves evaluation and reporting for the Al Jalamid phosphate mine and AJ1 license area (2021, 2022 and 2023). |
Independent Review and Sign Off Al Khabra Mine & B6 Mining License JORC Ore Reserves & Mineral Resources Reports (2024) |
Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves evaluation and reporting for the Al Khabra phosphate mine and B6 mining license (2023). |
Work Stream 4 – Assessment of 6 exploration sites (2023) |
Ginger SOFRECO was requested by KUREEM IPMT to evaluate the potential of 6 sedimentary prospects through a desktop study and appropriate field work. |
2022 Reporting and sign-off of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves for the Al Khabra Phosphate mine and B6 area (2022-2023) |
Mineral Resource and Ore Reserves evaluation and reporting for the Al Khabra phosphate mine and B6 area (2022). |
Mining and Gas Technical Assistance Project. Preparation of a code for the estimation of mineral reserves (2021-2023) |
Production of a Resource Code (equivalent to the JORC or SAMREC codes) adapted to the specific characteristics (related to legislation and mining potential) of Mozambique: 1. Benchmarking of good practices in the industry and the specific characteristics of Mozambique 2. Public consultations (ministries involved in mining activities, private companies and the academic sector) to determine the main themes to be developed for the Code 3. Drafting of the Code and the project summary 4. Public presentation