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Consulting - Engineering - Training |
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References by geographical area |
References by field of expertise |
| | | | Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.
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| | | | We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.
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| | | | Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists
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Strategic study on 'Lifelong learning (LLL): what is the vision for Morocco?' (2023-2025) |
The objectives of this project are to provide the main beneficiaries in Morocco (DFP/MIEPEEC and ANCLA) and the Delegation of the European Union (DUE) in Rabat with a holistic system defining the general guidelines for Morocco, as well as the management methods for providing lifelong learning. The system includes an institutional component, a governance component, steering and operational tools, a roadmap and institutional communication measures, all of which are in keeping with the guidelines of the Framework Law and aligned with European or international good practice in this area. |
| Mobilisation of Technical Assistance to support the coordination and monitoring of the ''Succeeding Together in Mauritania'' programme (2024-2028) |
The general objective of the "Succeeding Together in Mauritania'' programme is to support Mauritania in preventing irregular migration of its residents, focusing mainly on young Mauritanians and foreigners residing in Mauritania through the three specific objectives: (i) (SO 1) improve labour market skills to facilitate professional integration; (ii) (SO 2) support job-generating entrepreneurship initiatives; and (iii) (SO 3) improve access to information on economic and employment opportunities, as well as on the risks and opportunities of migration for young Mauritanians and migrants in Mauritania. |
| Education Modernisation Project - Unified National Testing Assessment system improvement (2023-2024) |
The objective of this intervention is to strengthen the assessment of learning in education through: 1) the training of Unified National Testing test item developers; 2) the development of at least 5,000 Unified National Testing test items and manuals for test development and testing procedures; and 3) capacity building for National Training Centre specialists in the preparation and organisation of test checks. |
| Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP) Sudan; Result 3: Enhance Education System Governance and Coordination Among Stakeholders (2017-2021) |
This technical assistance project aims to support the implementation of the Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP) in seven States of Sudan: Khartoum, White Nile, Blue Nile, Gedaref, South Kordofan, Red Sea and Kassala. |
| Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Assessment of the impact of additional funding to schools in DR Congo (2016-2019) |
The general objective of this assignment is to use M&E tools and quantitative and qualitative surveys (EGRA/ESMA) to generate evidence of the impact of additional funding on: i) the enrolment and retention of vulnerable pupils in schools; ii) the academic success of vulnerable pupils; iii) school governance with a view to political advocacy for more inclusive, better quality education in DR Congo. |
| Technical assistance to support education sector reform in Morocco (2017-2019) |
Technical assistance to support education sector reform in Morocco (PAPS Education II programme) in the fields of governance, education quality, and fair access to pre-, primary- and secondary schooling. |
| Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Improved Governance and Accountability in the Education Sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2015-2020) |
The overall objective of this project is to improve governance and responsibility in the education sector in DR Congo. The expected result is a better quality public education service. The project aims to provide support to the DR Congo Government in its efforts to improve governance and accountability in the education sector. It is expected that this activity - activity 2 of the joint DFID/USAID education programme - will help to achieve said programme’s objective of ‘Improving the educational results of girls and boys in selected educational provinces of DR Congo’. |
| Technical assistance for the project to strengthen the administration and supervision of education in the Comoros (2014-2018) |
This contract is part of a project whose overall objective is to help reduce poverty in the Union of the Comoros by improving the quality of its educational system. The specific objective is to boost the quality of education by strengthening administration, management and the information and communication infrastructure, and offer a better learning environment and higher-quality training to system managers. We are providing technical assistance to support the Project Management Unit in managing the project and carrying out all of its technical activities, based on three key components: Component 1: Communication and information system; Component 2: Institutional capacities for the administration and management of education; Component 3: Learning environment and higher-quality training for the system’s managerial staff. |
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92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +
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