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Consulting - Engineering - Training |
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References by geographical area |
References by field of expertise |
| | | | Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.
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| | | | We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.
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| | | | Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists
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Technical assistance for the transfer of management of irrigated lands to farmers, access to services and the establishment of a technological innovation centre (Bénoué Valley Development and Investment Valorisation Project - VIVA Bénoué) (2024-2027) |
Technical assistance for: i) the development, structuring and monitoring of water user associations (WUAs) and their umbrella bodies for the management of built and rehabilitated irrigation schemes, ii) the management of electronic vouchers to boost agricultural production, iii) the creation of an Agricultural Technology Innovation Centre, and iv) communication and awareness-raising among target populations. |
| Consulting service for Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Management Modernization and Agriculture Trade Promotion (2024-2028) |
This consultancy aims to enhance the capacity of agricultural and health authorities to manage cross-border agricultural and food trade, focusing on improving trade facilitation, streamlining permits, raising SPS compliance awareness, and simplifying farm input registration. It also seeks to review and improve SPS-related legislation and strengthen institutional capacities in SPS management across relevant bodies. |
| Technical Assistance for the implementation of the subsidy mechanism for the co-financing of agricultural and agro-industrial business plans and the structuring of Centres for Rural Economy and Management (CREM) - VIVA-Bénoué Project (2024-2027) |
Technical Assistance on the VIVA Bénoué Project for the implementation of the mechanism for subsidising agricultural and agro-industrial business plans through matching-grants, as well as through the structuring of Centres for Rural Economy and Management. |
| Technical Assistance for the implementation of the subsidy mechanism for the co-financing of agricultural and agro-industrial business plans and the structuring of Centres for Rural Economy and Management (CREM) - VIVA Logone Project (2024-2028) |
Technical Assistance on the VIVA Logone Project for the implementation of the mechanism for subsidising agricultural and agro-industrial business plans through matching-grants, as well as through the structuring of Centres for Rural Economy and Management. |
| Technical assistance for the implementation of the Territorial Development Support Programme (PADT) – ''National strategy for the development of rural areas and mountain zones'' component (SNDERZM) (2021-2024) |
The Territorial Development Support Programme (PADT) aims to support the implementation of 2 major reforms of the Government of Morocco, including the ''National Strategy for the Development of Rural Areas and Mountain Zones (SNDERZM)''. Technical assistance for the SNDERZM aims to support MAPMDREF in implementing component 2 of this strategy, which targets the promotion of integrated territorial projects of an economic and/or environmental nature. The TA provides its technical expertise in order to i) strengthen the know-how of stakeholders throughout the project cycle, ii) provide them with the operational tools and approaches needed to identify and develop territorial development potential. |
| French Development Agency |
Technical assistance to the National Agency for Agricultural and Food Statistics (ANASA) – Project for support in agricultural statistics and the implementation of an agricultural land roadmap (2020-2024) |
This technical assistance to ANASA aims to support the implementation of component 1 of the Support to agricultural statistics and land (ASAF) programme, i.e., ‘to support Guinea in the relaunch/redevelopment of sustainable statistical information systems in the rural sector'. The specific objectives (SO) are: SO1: Institutional strengthening of the sector’s structures and coordination; SO2: Establishment of the methodological bases for regular, quality statistical production; SO3: Establishment of the sector’s baselines through the development of the National Agriculture and Livestock Census (RNAE); SO4: Relaunch/establishment of a system for annual business and consumer surveys. |
| French Development Agency |
PARSIFAL Project Management Unit (support on social resilience, infrastructure forests and agriculture in Lebanon) (2020-2025) |
The Project Management Unit (PMU) ensures the monitoring of the implementation of operational components and provides technical assistance on the steering of the PARSIFAL. This project provides support to municipalities to improve access to employment and employability for vulnerable populations, increase agricultural productivity together with sustainable management of surface water and preserve landscapes and soils (fight against erosion). |
| Technical Assistance on the National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPN) of Niger - Capacity for Nutrition Programme (C4N) (2022-2025) |
The overall objective of the National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPN) is to contribute to the reduction of undernutrition. The primary goal of the NIPN is to build the capacity to analyse data for assessing progress, informing policy and improving nutrition programmes. In particular, the NIPN aims to establish relationships between nutrition indicators and any investments made in nutrition in order to better understand and guide strategic nutrition policy choices and priorities. The technical assistance provides support on the needs assessment, the integration of nutrition-sensitive sectors into nutrition policies and advocacy and capacity building in statistical and data analysis. |
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92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +
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