Consulting - Engineering - Training
References by geographical area
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Law and justice

Selected references
European Union
Technical assistance to the PMU for Support to the Modernisation of the Judicial System (AMSJ) (2007-2010)
Technical assistance to the Project Management Unit (PMU) for the implementation of the Support to the Modernisation of the Judicial System project (AMSJ) (total project value EUR 22 million). Improvement of the capacities of the judicial system (organisation, training, transparency). Providing the entire judicial system with IT management tools. Improvement of the documentary and archiving system.
Côte d'Ivoire
African Development Bank
Diagnostic study of the judicial and penitentiary systems (2007-2008)
Analysis of the judicial and penitentiary systems,
Recommendations for the reform of these systems and proposals for priority actions. Identification of accompanying actions (institutional tools and mechanisms, as well as the financing modes of the judicial and penitentiary systems, the quantity and quality of human resources, management and programming capacity, monitoring and evaluation, the adequacy of available material and infrastructures).
Belgium, China, United States, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Philippines, Rwanda
European Union
EIDHR Evaluation on the Abolition of Death Penalty projects (2006-2007)
Support to the European Commission to improve the impact of the EIDHR (European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights) projects supporting civil society activities aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, by strengthening the Commission’s ability to draw on lessons learnt from past and ongoing interventions for future planning, programming and project identification.
Assessment of the effectiveness and relevance of the EIDHR funded projects in support of the implementation of the EU guidelines and policy on the death penalty.
Cambodia, Philippines
European Union
Comparative evaluation of EU human rights projects and interventions in the Philippines and Cambodia (2007)
The objective of the mission was to evaluate past and ongoing interventions in the field of Human Rights and Democratisation so that the EU Member States and the European Commission Delegations to the Philippines and Cambodia could improve their future planning, programming and practical follow-up in these fields.
Venezuela, Switzerland, Slovakia, Norway, Austria, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Greece, Finland, Estonia, Spain, Belgium, Bangladesh
European Union
EIDHR-Evaluation of 2 projects of support for Election Observation Missions and training for domestic observers organisations (2007)
Evaluation of the last 2 NEEDS (Network of Europeans for Electoral and Democracy support) projects for the EC and recommendations for the future project concerning the training of EU Electoral Observation Mission experts and observers, support and technical assistance to Domestic Observers Organizations (DO) and methodological support for EU EOMs.The assignment included drafting Terms of References for a future call for tender in the same field.
Burkina Faso
European Union
Diagnostic study for support to the ERSUMA and other OHADA institutions (2008)
Establishment of a complementary initial training programme for magistrates.
- Continuing training programme for legal and judicial staff in the field of OHADA law.
- Distance training programme through videoconferences for legal and judicial staff and more particularly for members of professional associations and other legal practitioners
- Analysis of institutional capacity building needs.
European Union
Technical Assistance for the Promotion of Civil Society Dialogue between the EU and Turkey II (2008-2009)
The global objective of the project is to contribute to the efficient implementation of the grant scheme programme called Promotion of Civil Society Dialogue between the EU and Turkey II, for the financing of projects in the following fields: i ) Culture and Arts, ii) Fisheries and Agriculture, iii) Micro Grant Schemes for Participation in NGO events.
European Union
Institutional Support to Vietnam (2006-2009)
The overall objectives of the Institutional Support Project (ISP) to Vietnam are to support ongoing reforms towards transparent and accountable governance based on the rule of law, thus contributing to the implementation of the Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy.
The specific objectives of the project are to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the legislative, legal and judicial institutions of Vietnam, in particular to satisfy conditions for international integration (e.g. WTO accession) and transition to a market economy.
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