Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Western Africa

Selected references
World Bank
Recruitment of a contractor to implement the Resettlement Action Plan under Phase 2 (RAP2) of the Kandadji Dam Project (2023-2028)
Project management of Phase 2A of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP 2A) for the Kandadji Dam Project, concerning the resettlement, compensation and restoration of living standards of project-affected persons (PAPs) during the initial impoundment of the dam at level 224m, covering the municipalities of Ayorou, Dessa and Gorouol. The roles of the RAP 2A Contractor include updating the socio-economic data, support for the development of PAPs’ census cards and identity cards, coordination of resettlement site development activities, communication and the stakeholder engagement plan, complaint management, support for vulnerable PAPs, compensation/indemnities, rites of passage, relocation support, support for the restoration of living standards, support for land management, archiving and monitoring and evaluation.
French Development Agency
Technical Assistance to the Department of Hydraulics (DH) and the Department for Planning and Cooperation (DPC) (2024-2028)
Ginger SOFRECO is providing technical assistance to the MHS for the implementation of the ''2HAT'' project, which aims at improving living conditions in 4 wilayas through 4 components: (i) a rapid-action component for the rehabilitation of 42 rural water supply systems, (ii) a ''water'' component (rural hydraulics, pastoral hydraulics and integrated water resources management - IWRM), (iii) a ''sanitation'' component, and (iv) an institutional support component, aimed at strengthening the MHS in HR and organisation, assisting the DPC in its planning and information management activities, supporting the MHS in the process of publishing the new Water Code and setting up the Public Service Delegation (PSD).
European Union
Assistance with social project management of information, education and communication (IEC) services for the sanitation and restructuring project in the districts of Hann and Petit Mbao (2014-2018)
The overall objective of the sanitation and urban restructuring project in Hann and Petit Mbao is to help improve the living conditions of underprivileged populations in the districts of Hann Village and Petit Mbao in Dakar. The IEC component will raise the awareness, understanding and willingness of stakeholders to become more involved in implementation and take ownership of the infrastructures developed in order to ensure their maintenance. The activities to be carried out can be grouped into four missions:
- Diagnosis and proposal of the intervention’s approach (communication methods and procedures);
- Design and implementation of the IEC programme;
- Training plan for the capacity building of the district hall and labour intensive programme teams;
- Monitoring of the quality of use and maintenance of the structures developed (sanitation networks, roads, public spaces and green areas, and public solar lighting networks).
Burkina Faso
World Bank
Technical assistance for the implementation of the technical activities under the Mining Component of the PARGFM (2024-2028)
Technical assistance for the supervision of the Mining Component of the Project to Support the Strengthening of Land and Mining Management (PARGFM) of Burkina Faso’s Ministry of Energy, Mines and Quarries, including the following six separate geoscientific projects: geological mapping, evaluation of mining geochemical anomalies, exploration of industrial and quarry minerals, airborne geophysics, creation of a Geological and Mining Information System (GMIS), and restructuring of the Mining Registry. The main beneficiary is the Burkina Faso Bureau of Mines and Geology (BUMIGEB).
World Bank
Consultancy Services for the Transport Support Group - Technical Assistance to the Infrastructure Implementation Unit (IIU) (2022-2024)
The objective of the assignment is to provide support to the IIU, over a period of two years, in its operations for all activities related to planning, procurement, implementation, quality assurance, scheduling, and others, as required. Each specialist from the Transport Support Group provides on-the-job training as well as support in carrying out the day-to-day operations and other consultancy services together with other IIU staff.
Côte d'Ivoire
World Bank
Consultancy on environmental and social safeguards for Phase 2 of the Forest Investment Programme (PIF 2) and strengthening the national training system for the environmental and social management of projects (2024-2027)
The services cover support for environmental and social management, including the use of tools such as SIGES, the preparation and monitoring of safeguard documents (ESIA, ESMP, RAP) and the incorporation of environmental and social measures into PIF 2 contracts. They also aim to strengthen the national training system by assessing existing capacities, identifying gaps and drafting strategies for developing skills, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups.
European Union
Mobilisation of Technical Assistance to support the coordination and monitoring of the ''Succeeding Together in Mauritania'' programme (2024-2028)
The general objective of the "Succeeding Together in Mauritania'' programme is to support Mauritania in preventing irregular migration of its residents, focusing mainly on young Mauritanians and foreigners residing in Mauritania through the three specific objectives: (i) (SO 1) improve labour market skills to facilitate professional integration; (ii) (SO 2) support job-generating entrepreneurship initiatives; and (iii) (SO 3) improve access to information on economic and employment opportunities, as well as on the risks and opportunities of migration for young Mauritanians and migrants in Mauritania.
Côte d'Ivoire
European Union
Technical assistance for the implementation of FLEX programmes in Côte d'Ivoire (2013-2015)
The project’s objective is to support the preparation and efficient and effective implementation of the projects and programmes financed by FLEX 2006/2007 and FLEX 2008 funds. These funds, whose objective is to correct the negative effects of the instability of export revenues, finance support projects in the cotton sector and food-crop sector, as well as projects on land tenure and agricultural census. The consultants’ specific mission is to support the Ministry of Agriculture in terms of the planning, contract preparation, implementation and technical and administrative follow-up of the programmes and projects financed by FLEX funds.
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