Consulting - Engineering - Training
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References by field of expertise
Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Vocational training

selected references

 In the field of technical and vocational education and training, Ginger SOFRECO provides the following services to its clients:

Services for governments and public bodies in charge of defining and conducting technical and vocational education and training policies

  • Support for the definition of national technical and vocational training policies.
  • Evaluation of training organisations.
  • Support for the creation, transformation and/or rehabilitation of training organisations.
  • Creation of training organisations, from the preliminary study to their start-up.
  • Setting up of specific training programmes for vulnerable groups: youth in difficulty, prisoners, women, immigrants, disabled persons.

Services for training bodies

  • Design and creation of training products.
  • Training and upgrading of trainers.
  • Operational support for the running of training bodies.

Services for administrations, public services and companies

  • Training plans: evaluation of needs (analysis of job positions and the required competences, evaluation of staff competences, gap filling), establishment of training plans, implementation support, evaluation of results.
  • Organisation of technical and human resource management training.
  • Implementation of training actions: design and conduct of seminars and workshops, training-action, training "on-the-field", study trips, development of training manuals.

Services for funding agencies

  • Evaluation of vocational education and training programmes and projects.
  • Studies for the setting up of training or human resource development projects.
92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +