Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists


Selected references

Ginger SOFRECO's field of action covers the different levels of education (preschool, primary, secondary and higher) and aims to develop education systems and increase their efficiency.

In this perspective, the intervention strategy developed by Ginger SOFRECO focuses on three, strong priority areas:

Assistance for the development and management of sectoral policies

  • Sectoral diagnosis support (data collection and analysis);
  • Support for the formulation and evaluation of educational policies;
  • Development of tools for the planning, management and evaluation of education systems, particularly integrated tools of the Education Management and Information Systems type (or "EMIS");
  • Development of tools for analysing the public and private educational offer, including in the non-formal sector, as well as educational demand issues (in terms of access and retention);
  • Development of the governance of education systems (involvement of families, local authorities and companies).

Technical and institutional capacity building of administrations

  • Support for the development of budget management tools, particularly within the framework of the development of sectoral approaches (Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks, programme budgets, regional programming, expenditure execution);
  • Training and upgrading of managerial staff at the educational level (inspectors, head teachers, etc.) and administrative level (managers at central and deconcentrated levels);
  • Support for the creation and / or strengthening of institutions and training systems for educational staff;
  • Support for the formulation and implementation of projects for primary and secondary establishments;
  • Human resource management: forward programming, recruitment, training, deployment and management of staff;
  • Autonomy of universities and development of economic partnerships in higher education.

 Support for educational management and the improvement of educational quality

  • Support for the development and / or reform of curricula; implementation, monitoring and evaluation of active teaching methods (the competency-based approach);
  • Design, creation and evaluation of face-to-face and distance educational programmes;
  • Training of teachers and of teachers' trainers and development of corresponding training aids and guides;
  • Promotion of the use of CIT in education;
  • Andragogy and accompaniment of literacy actions.

Concerning the field of basic education more specifically, SOFRECO also develops intervention methods following the principles of major international initiatives (Dakar Framework for Action, Millennium Development Objectives, fast track initiative) in favour of Education for All.

Within the framework of the assignments entrusted to it by governments and/or funding agencies, Ginger SOFRECO is often led to mobilise its network of public and private partners with whom it maintains close contact, particularly:

  • The French Ministry of Education at national level (central structures and associated public establishments) and regional level (education authorities, teacher training colleges, school inspectorates, etc.).
  • Numerous French and international universities (Finland, Greece, United Kingdom, Russia, Turkey, etc) and research institutes (notably the IREDU of Dijon [education research institute]).
  • Specialised international organisations and networks.
  • Non-governmental and private organisations (consultancy firms, for example) implementing national or international assignments, specialised in education development.
  • Consultancy firms in the countries where Ginger SOFRECO implements its assignments.
92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +