Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists


Selected references
Côte d'Ivoire
World Bank
Study on the financing of higher education in Côte d’Ivoire (2022-2024)
The study provided by Ginger SOFRECO is part of the National Policy on Higher Education of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.
The general objective of this study is to develop a sustainable financing strategy for the higher education system in Côte d'Ivoire.
The mission first produces a diagnostic of the system and the challenges of financing higher education, and then proposes strategic directions and an action plan for the resource allocation, in close collaboration with the various higher education actors.
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Technical assistance to project leaders for the implementation of projects selected under the Charaka Fund - Lot 2: Higher Institute of Building (ISB) Casablanca (Conversion) (2020-2023)
The Charaka Fund managed by the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) aims to set up a supply of vocational training driven by private sector demand. This fund has been granted to several professional training centres. SOFRECO currently manages two contracts in relation to the Charaka Fund: batch 2 in Casablanca and batch 5 in Tangier. The objective is to support professional training centres in their upgrading according to the Competence Based Approach (CBA). Within the framework of batch 2, SOFRECO is supporting the Higher Institute of Building of Casablanca, in order to update and create new courses in the area of construction and public works. For this project, SOFRECO works in collaboration with construction and public works players such as the National Federation for Building and Public Works (FNBTP) and those involved in Professional training such as the Office for Professional Training and the Promotion of Labour (OFPPT).
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Technical assistance to project leaders for the implementation of projects selected in the framework of the Charaka Fund - Lot 5 - Multidisciplinary Institute of Logistics and Industry Professions, FAHS ANJRA - Tangier (2020-2023)
The objective of Lot 5 of the Charaka Fund project, created and financed by the MCA, is to support the Multidisciplinary Institute of Logistics and Industry Professions of FAHS ANJRA in Tangier in creating new branches within the fields of logistics and transport in Morocco according to the competency-based approach (CBA). This is being done in order to better respond to the needs of the private sector through the adequacy of the training supply in relation to the realities of the local labour market.
World Bank
The skills and employability development project (PRODECE) - Technical evaluation of Component 1 of the PRODECE entitled ‘Quality improvement and upgrading of existing TVET institutions’ (2020-2022)
The objectives of Component 1 of the PROCEDE are to support the construction of two (2) new sectoral centres specialising in ICTs and the construction/wood sector, and to rehabilitate four (4) existing TVET institutions (2 vocational training centres and 2 technical high schools), in an effort to promote quality technical and vocational education driven by demand and to develop potential within growth and job-creating sectors.
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Support to the implementation and monitoring of Integrated School Projects in the regions of Tangier-Tetouan-Al-Hoceima, Fez-Meknes and Marrakech-Safii (2020-2022)
The Integrated School Project (ISP) is part of the Secondary Education activity of the Education and Training for Employability project of the Compact II in Morocco and is linked to the fundamental component (i) aimed at setting up an integrated model for the improvement of secondary schools (Attahadi Model).
The overall objective of the SOFRECO Technical Assistance (TA) is to strengthen the skills and professionalisation of administrative and educational staff in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Integrated School Projects (ISP) in the 90 schools selected in the regions of Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, Fez-Meknes and Marrakech-Safi.
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Support for the implementation of an evaluation and quality assurance system in the vocational training sector (2020-2023)
The Government of the Kingdom of Morocco has concluded a second cooperation programme (Compact II) with the government of the United States of America, represented by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), with the objective of enhancing the quality of human capital and improving land productivity.

The Education and Training for Employability project aims to enhance the employability of young people by improving the quality, relevance and equitable access to secondary education and vocational training programmes to better meet the needs of the productive sector.

This project aims to support the Department of Vocational Training and its partners (public and private) in setting up a unified and institutionalised system of evaluation and quality assurance of the vocational training sector.
World Bank
Technical assistance to review/revamp the existing pre-service teacher training curricula and bachelor-level degree programme at the University of Liberia (2021-2024)
Assistance to the Government of Liberia to improve senior secondary education (grades 10-12) through innovative approaches aimed at improving equitable access to, and quality of secondary education, and to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Liberian secondary education students and teachers.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
French Development Agency
Support on the identification of the component dedicated to improving the management of the end of teachers' careers in the DRC within the framework of the next Basic Education section of the second debt reduction and development contract (C2D2) (2022)
The objective of the mission is to contribute to the appraisal process that AFD is conducting in partnership with the Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education and the Technical Committee for Reforms of the Ministry of Finance and to outline and give content to Component 1. This component is designed to improve the management of the end of teachers' careers, which would be carried out in the form of a refinancing of public expenditure made by the State on the basis of in-depth discussions with the actors involved.
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