Lenders' Technical Advisor (LTA) for Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) PVC/PET - Phase 2
Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) is developing a project, with an annual capacity of 150,000 t of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin and 100,000 t of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin. ING Bank, a branch of ING-DiBa AG (Germany), has assigned SOFRECO as Lenders’ Technical Advisor (LTA) to the MGI Project. The LTA acts for the group of long-term lenders and has to periodically conduct a review and evaluation of the project construction and operation in terms of the actual progress of works against the specifications and contractual requirements, including any factors that have or could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the project.
Technical assistance for the Ministry of Energy as part of institutional support and strengthening the capacities of parties involved in the energy sector in Benin (RECASEB)
European Union
The specific objective of the RECASEB programme is to improve the institutional framework of the energy sector in Benin at regulatory and organisational level and to support/encourage reforms. These reforms must make the sector more attractive for public and private investment, including new production units, particularly via renewable sources and the extension of the network for greater access to electricity services throughout the country, particularly in rural areas.
The components of the RECASEB programme are organised around three main pillars:
- Capacity building of the energy sector;
- The development of management, supervisory and decision-making tools for the steering and implementation of the strategic thrusts;
- Information and documentation to the parties of the sector and the general public (civil society, consumers, etc.).
Mobilisation of Technical Assistance to support the coordination and monitoring of the ''Succeeding Together in Mauritania'' programme
European Union
The general objective of the "Succeeding Together in Mauritania'' programme is to support Mauritania in preventing irregular migration of its residents, focusing mainly on young Mauritanians and foreigners residing in Mauritania through the three specific objectives: (i) (SO 1) improve labour market skills to facilitate professional integration; (ii) (SO 2) support job-generating entrepreneurship initiatives; and (iii) (SO 3) improve access to information on economic and employment opportunities, as well as on the risks and opportunities of migration for young Mauritanians and migrants in Mauritania.
Lenders' Technical Advisor (LTA) for Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) PVC/PET - Phase 2
Meghna Group of Industries (MGI) is developing a project, with an annual capacity of 150,000 t of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin and 100,000 t of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin. ING Bank, a branch of ING-DiBa AG (Germany), has assigned SOFRECO as Lenders’ Technical Advisor (LTA) to the MGI Project. The LTA acts for the group of long-term lenders and has to periodically conduct a review and evaluation of the project construction and operation in terms of the actual progress of works against the specifications and contractual requirements, including any factors that have or could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on the project.
Feasibility study for a wind farm of nominal power between 100 and 200 MW in the Banten region, West Java, for PLN
French Development Agency
As part of the diversification of Indonesia's energy mix, PLN wishes to develop a wind farm with an installed capacity of around 200 MW in the Banten region on the island of Java. SOFRECO is carrying out the feasibility study for this wind farm under AFD financing and in consortium with the developer 3E, until the recruitment of the turnkey contractor. This study begins with the installation of measurement masts, then includes the selection of the most suitable power generation devices for the site, the design of the wind farm and its connection, as well as all the technical and financial studies necessary for the construction (topography, geotechnics, transport and stability of the network).
Technical Assistance to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Rural Development in the management of subsidies for agricultural inputs and equipment
European Union
Technical assistance to strengthen the governance of agricultural inputs and equipment subsidy in Mali: i) Support to the reform of the fertiliser and agricultural equipment sector; ii) Improvement in the targeting of priorities; iii) Digitalisation of the management and distribution of subsidised agricultural inputs; Improvement in the quality control of agricultural inputs and equipment.

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