Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Private sector, enterprises

Selected references
Burkina Faso, Mali
European Union
Mid-term and final evaluations of the ethical fashion initiative in Burkina Faso and Mali (2020-2021)
This mid-term evaluation is to introduce a rider prior to the next operational Committee in order to revise the log frame and to potentially extend the implementation period of the project up to the second semester 2021. The recommendations should be concrete, operational and directly actionable.
The main users of these two evaluations will be the European Commission (headquarters and European Union Delegations in Burkina Faso and other countries where the International Trade Centre-Ethical Fashion Initiative (ITC-EFI) programme is being deployed; ITC (headquarters); ITC-EFI (programme team) and all related national stakeholders from Mali and Burkina Faso in particular, but also other European social enterprise stakeholders.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
European Union
Capacity building for trade policies and analysis (2015-2017)
Promote and further strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina's trade policy and its integration into the world economy in general and the EU economy in particular, through the expansion of trade, and in particular an increase in exports.
Asian Development Bank
Agricultural Marketing and Brand Development (2011-2013)
The objective of this project is to provide assistance to selected enterprises in terms of agricultural marketing and brand development in niche markets with a view to developing premium brands for Mongolian agricultural products and to develop partnerships with foreign brands.
The project also aims to set up the foundations for a brand development agency whose objective would be to help enterprises develop original and collaborative brands in the long term.
European Union
Formulation of an institutional twinning project to support the establishment of a system to promote quality in the tourism sector (2013-2014)
The overall objective of this technical assistance mission is to support the tourism administration in identifying and implementing a project to promote quality in tourism sector products and services by setting up institutional twinnings. The mission is divided into three phases: diagnosis of the current situation and proposal of a system to promote quality in the tourism sector; in-depth analysis and definition of the outlines of the twinning project, and; formulation of the twinning project.
Côte d'Ivoire
European Union
Technical assistance for the implementation of FLEX programmes in Côte d'Ivoire (2013-2015)
The project’s objective is to support the preparation and efficient and effective implementation of the projects and programmes financed by FLEX 2006/2007 and FLEX 2008 funds. These funds, whose objective is to correct the negative effects of the instability of export revenues, finance support projects in the cotton sector and food-crop sector, as well as projects on land tenure and agricultural census. The consultants’ specific mission is to support the Ministry of Agriculture in terms of the planning, contract preparation, implementation and technical and administrative follow-up of the programmes and projects financed by FLEX funds.
European Union
Enhancing Vanuatu’s Sanitary and Phyto Sanitary measures (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) architecture (2013)
The overall objective of this intervention was to design a legal and policy framework to reform the institutions in charge of quality, standards development (sanitary and phytosanitary and Technical Barriers to Trade) and conformity assessment within the government of Vanuatu. The project activities included an analysis of the current situation, proposals of legal and institutional reforms and a training plan for the managerial staff of the relevant institutions.
European Union
Services to support the Executive Privatisation Commission (EPC) in its public private partnership activities (2010-2012)
Support in the drafting of PPP legislation;
Capacity building of PPP stakeholders;
Feasibility study for the setting up of a PPP fund;
Identification of potential PPP projects;
Support in the negotiations of a PPP project and of its re-tendering.
European Union
Recruitment of the Programme Support Unit for the Trade Facilitation Support and Short-term Technical Assistance Programme (2009-2011)
Recruitment of a team of sectoral experts forming a Programme Support Unit (PSU) for the Ministry of Trade in the implementation of the Trade Facilitation Support Programme;
Providing the programme with a team of experts for short-term interventions in fields such as team and programme management, market organisation, international trade, quality control, fraud prevention and market failures, consumer protection, competition law, training engineering, and project financial and accountancy management.
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