Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Private sector, enterprises

Selected references
European Union
Support for the improvement of the investment climate and export climate (2009-2011)
Improvement of the economic development of Azerbaijan and reduction of its dependence on the oil sector through: promotion of economic diversification and exports in non oil sectors, including through increasing share listing and the country private sector attractiveness for FDI, and fostering the development of capital markets and promoting portfolio investment.
Asian Development Bank
Promoting Private Sector Participation in the Power Sector (2008-2010)
Develop and assist in the implementation of a competitive bidding framework designed to introduce a comprehensive PSP system for hydro-power development.
European Union
Tacis corporate governance facility (2004-2005)
Technical assistance to improve the legal, institutional and regulatory framework for corporate governance in Russia, promote good corporate governance principles as embodied in the new Russian Corporate Governance Code and put the Code’s requirements into application.
European Union
Support to Azerbaijan Investment Promotion and Advisory Fund (2005-2006)
The project was designed to support the AIPAF (that became AZPROMO during implementation) in promoting foreign direct investment (FDI) and exports: strengthening the institutional capabilities, providing support relating to the Azeri business environment, helping AZPROMO in the foreign investment sphere and enhancing agency communication tools.
European Union
Restructuring of the steel industry (2006-2008)
Support to the restructuring of the iron, steel and heavy metal sector.
European Union
Restructuring of the Co. Misr Spinning & Weaving (2006-2007)
The project was to assist the company Misr Spinning and Weaving (25,000 employees) in its transformation into a viable and financially secure enterprise, competitive in international markets and with growth and development prospects capable of attracting strategic or capital market investors.
The overall objective was to a) modernise the company by involving the private sector in its operation to meet the challenges of globalisation and b) introduce/reinforce international standards and best practices in governance, management and operation.
European Union
Preparation for the privatisation of public enterprises - Lot 4 Sectoral assessment of the buildings and public works sectors (2004-2006)
Within the framework of an ensemble of projects aiming to provide technical assistance to the Ministry Delegate to the Head of State in charge of Investment Participation and Development in view of enterprise privatisation. Lot n°4 involves the preparation of enterprises in the Buildings and Public Works sector.
Asian Development Bank
Privatization Consultancy (2006-2007)
Technical assistance to the National Divestment Committee in the divestment of state-owned enterprises in the agro-business sector:
- Assist the NDC in reviewing the divestment plan for the 7 state-owned rubber estates (SOREs) that form the core of the Cambodian rubber sector and for 2 state-owned agri-business enterprises (AIC and KAMFINEX);
- Provide advice on specific issues, such as the marketing strategy to foster competition and mitigation measures to facilitate the hand-over process;
- Assist the NDC in developing resettlement policies and a monitoring framework to ensure transparent practices;
- Identify relevant training specialists in income restoration to train displaced/redundant personnel.
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