Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists


Selected references
European Union
Technical Assistance for the Implementation of the Primary Education Retention Programme (PERP) (2013-2016)
The aim of the project is to contribute to and facilitate the successful implementation of the Primary Education Retention Programme (PERP). In order to achieve the overall objective of increasing primary school completion rates, and the specific objective of reducing drop-out during primary education, three results have to be achieved:
Result 1: Primary educational planning is based on reliable information.
Result 2: Primary retention projects are designed and implemented in each of the five target states.
Result 3: There is enhanced understanding of factors related to drop-out and of effective strategies.
European Union
Improvement of preschool education in Serbia (2011-2014)
The IMPRES project aims at improving preschool education provision and broadening access for children, especially from disadvantaged groups. The project will support improvements in the quality of preschool curricula and expansion of the capacities of preschool institutions. The assignment includes the preparation and implementation of training programmes, advice on the improvement of preschool legislation, preschool teaching methods and the provision of preschool activities, as well as the organisation of conferences, workshops and study tours. Mobilisation of two long-term experts and multiple short-term experts.
European Union
Support to legal translators, interpreters and linguists (2010-2012)
Support to the University of Pristina (UP) to set up, strengthen and increase the sustainability and proficiency of initial and in-service training structures for translators and interpreters in a lifelong learning perspective.
The technical assistance will provide the following services:
- Institutional strengthening
- Curriculum development
- Training of trainers of professional translators and interpreters and training of teachers in interpretation and translation
- Study visits for trainers of interpreters and translators
- Creation of accreditation procedures
- Procurement activities to equip the UP.
European Union
Technical Assistance to the Secondary Education Support Programme (2010-2011)
Comprehensive technical assistance support to the Ministry of Education in the implementation of the Secondary Education Support Programme (SESP) aiming at reforming and upgrading the Syrian secondary education system. Services provided include capacity building and training of the Syrian staff within the Project Task Force for the planning, management, monitoring and visibility of the SESP as well as institutional support.
European Union
Support to the reform of the education system in Algeria (2005-2009)
Support to national authorities in the planning, implementation, management and monitoring of a EUR 17 million educational reform project, and transfer of knowledge and skills in view of improving the quality of the education provided, strengthening the management and guidance of support staff, and increasing the accessibility and fairness of the basic education and preschool system.
World Bank
Technical assistance for the participatory design of a methodological framework for the development of the National Certification and Qualification Framework (CNCQ) (2023)
The purpose of the National Certification and Qualification Framework is to make all existing qualifications in Cameroon more accessible and easier to understand.
European Union
Knowledge Hub for Expertise on Youth (2023-2026)
The Knowledge Hub for expertise on Youth provides expertise and knowledge to EC HQ services and EU Delegations worldwide in the area of youth in external action (youth participation an empowerment, as well as youth specific issues in sectoral policies). The Hub supports sector-specific policies and the formulation of actions in the area of youth and provides support on the implementation of the Youth Action Plan as well as on the management of the Youth Sounding Board for international partnerships. The Hub is a flexible mechanism which provides on demand expertise to EC staff worldwide, and to a certain extent, to Member States’ staff.
Asian Development Bank
Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) under the Skills for Competiveness (S4C) project (2020-2025)
The S4C project aims at enhancing the skills and competitiveness of Cambodia’s industrial sector labour force by developing human resources to work as a skilled workforce in four priority sectors, namely, manufacturing, construction, electricity and electronics. It supports the transformation of five training institutes and strengthens the industry’s engagement in skills development.
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