Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists


Selected references
Democratic Republic of the Congo
French Development Agency
Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Sustainable Forest Management Programme (2022-2026)
The objective of the Sustainable Forest Management Programme (Programme de Gestion Durable des Forêts, PGDF) is to create the conditions for sustainable management of the DRC's forests by: i) contributing to improved governance, ii) developing policy in a participatory and transparent manner, iii) contributing to the structuring of the artisanal timber sector, iv) promoting the emergence of forests managed sustainably by communities or territorial authorities, and v) guaranteeing the management of industrial forest concessions in accordance with national legislation. SOFRECO is supporting the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development in the implementation of the PGDF in Kinshasa and five provinces: Mai Ndombe, Equateur, Mongala, Tshopo, Ituri and Kisangani.
Asian Development Bank
Climate-Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC) - Project Implementation Consultants (2020-2026)
The Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project (CFAVC) aims to create an enabling environment that reduces the incidence of poverty, malnutrition and food insecurity among the rural poor. The Project Implementation Consultant (PIC) is providing management and technical assistance in the implementation of the project, strengthening the technical and management capacities of the participating government agencies and project stakeholders, and ensuring compliance with the financing agreement and government policies.
French Development Agency
‘Bunkassa Kiwo’ support project for pastoral livestock development and sustainable land management (2022-2026)
Technical assistance to the project management for support to the implementation operators and other actors (Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, regional council, deconcentrated services, etc.) on activities supporting the development of pastoral livestock and sustainable land management.
Asian Development Bank
Climate Friendly Agribusiness Value Chains Sector Project – CS01 Project Implementation Consultant (CFAVC CS01 PIC) (2020-2025)
Technical assistance to improve the climatic resilience of critical infrastructures for agribusiness value chains, promote climate-smart agriculture and agribusiness, and foster an environment conducive to the development of environmentally friendly agri-food businesses.
Burkina Faso
French Development Agency
Management of the Contract Farming and Ecological Transition Project (PACTE) (2019-2024)
Support to the PMU in the implementation of the PACTE project, and particularly the Contract Farming Fund: 1 ‘institutional contract’ desk (strengthening cooperatives to supply institutional markets) of €8m and ‘private contract’ desk (promotion of contract farming between cooperatives and agribusinesses) of €18m.
European Union
Technical assistance for the implementation of the Territorial Development Support Programme (PADT) – ''National strategy for the development of rural areas and mountain zones'' component (SNDERZM) (2021-2024)
The Territorial Development Support Programme (PADT) aims to support the implementation of two major reforms of the Government of Morocco: ‘Advanced regionalisation’ and the ‘National strategy for the development of rural areas and mountain zones” (SNDERZM). This multi-sectorial programme includes 17 permanent partners involved in these rural areas. The technical assistance to SNDERZM aims to support the Directorate for the Development of Rural Areas and Mountain Zones (DDERZM) and the Regional Directorates for Agriculture (DRA) of the regions of Oriental and Béni-Mellal/Khénifra in the implementation of component 2 of SNDERZM focused on the promotion of the development of integrated and territorialised projects of an economic nature and/or of an environmental nature (Integrated Development Ecosystems – EDI, and Priority Environmental Projects - PEP). The TA will provide its technical expertise in order to: i) strengthen the expertise of stakeholders on the entire project cycle, ii) provide them with the operational tools and the approaches necessary to identify the territorial potentials for the development of the regions as well as for the definition, prioritisation, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the EDI PEP projects.
French Development Agency
Technical assistance to the National Agency for Agricultural and Food Statistics (ANASA) – Project for support in agricultural statistics and the implementation of an agricultural land roadmap (2020-2024)
This technical assistance to ANASA aims to support the implementation of component 1 of the Support to agricultural statistics and land (ASAF) programme, i.e., ‘to support Guinea in the relaunch/redevelopment of sustainable statistical information systems in the rural sector'. The specific objectives (SO) are:
SO1: Institutional strengthening of the sector’s structures and coordination;
SO2: Establishment of the methodological bases for regular, quality statistical production;
SO3: Establishment of the sector’s baselines through the development of the National Agriculture and Livestock Census (RNAE);
SO4: Relaunch/establishment of a system for annual business and consumer surveys.
French Development Agency
PARSIFAL Project Management Unit (support on social resilience, infrastructure forests and agriculture in Lebanon) (2020-2024)
The Project Management Unit (PMU) ensures the monitoring of the implementation of operational components and provides technical assistance on the steering of the PARSIFAL. This project provides support to municipalities to improve access to employment and employability for vulnerable populations, increase agricultural productivity together with sustainable management of surface water and preserve landscapes and soils (fight against erosion).
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