Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists


Selected references
Côte d'Ivoire
African Development Bank
Technical assistance for the preparation of studies and business plans as part of the Agro-Industrial Pole Project in the Bélier region (2PAI-Bélier) (2022-2024)
The Agro-Industrial Pole Project in the Bélier region (2PAI-Bélier, €97 million) aims to promote value chains in synergy with the development of private initiatives. It aims to lay the foundations for the emergence of an agricultural development sector and provides for partnerships with key structures such as the Côte d'Ivoire SME Agency in order to attract as many investors as possible to the area.
The objective of this technical assistance is to support the actors in the value chains of the project's target sectors, particularly small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises, with the aim of improving their competitiveness and efficiency.
European Union
Technical Assistance to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Rural Development in the management of subsidies for agricultural inputs and equipment (2022-2024)
Technical assistance to strengthen the governance of agricultural inputs and equipment subsidy in Mali: i) Support to the reform of the fertiliser and agricultural equipment sector; ii) Improvement in the targeting of priorities; iii) Digitalisation of the management and distribution of subsidised agricultural inputs; Improvement in the quality control of agricultural inputs and equipment.
European Union
Technical Assistance on the implementation of the Programme entitled “Agri-Connect: Supporting value chains for shared prosperity” (2020-2024)
Management of the Programme entitled "Agri-Connect: Supporting value chains for shared prosperity", with the aim of contributing to inclusive economic growth, promoting private sector development and job creation in the agricultural sector and increasing food and nutrition security by promoting the productivity, commercialisation and competitiveness of the tea, coffee and horticulture sectors.
European Union
Support for the development and promotion of agricultural and food products (2023-2024)
Support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) in Algeria for the development and promotion of agricultural and food products, through 5 priority areas: i) labelling of agricultural products or products of agricultural origin, ii) standardisation/development of agricultural production and products of agricultural origin, iii) launching of 'organic agriculture' certification, iv) modernisation of veterinary services, and v) modernisation of the agricultural and rural information system. As such, SOFRECO participates in: i) the strengthening of quality assurance systems for agricultural and food products, ii) the modernisation of the Algerian Veterinary Information System and the strengthening of user capacities, and iii) the improvement of the governance of the agricultural and rural information system.
European Union
Scaling Up Community-led Tourism Development in Guyana (2023-2024)
The action supports the Guyana Tourism Authority in the implementation of the Guyana Community-led Tourism Framework. The objective is to create alternative livelihood opportunities for young people and women in indigenous communities through the establishment of sustainable tourism enterprises led and owned by the communities.
multi- Africa
Nutrition governance and programming (West Africa Region) - Capacity for Nutrition (C4N) (2022-2026)
The joint donor initiative, Capacity for Nutrition (C4N), is a component of the K4N programme. C4N aims to provide support to the EC and EU Delegations (DEU) in building nutrition-related programmes and policies that are evidence-based in their formulation and implementation. Our services consist of technical advisory support to INTPA F3 and the EU Delegations in West Africa on the following topics: i) integration of nutrition into national health and agricultural policies, ii) leadership and governance of nutrition at the regional level, and iii) improved and quality data and analyses for the development and implementation of effective nutrition policies.
European Union
Technical assistance to the Institutional Strengthening for Agricultural Resilience Programme (RINDRA) (2019-2025)
Technical assistance to the Institutional Strengthening for Agricultural Resilience Programme (€40 M, 11th EDF), aiming to support the operationalisation of public and parapublic institutions. Institutional strengthening and training of various technical departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (agricultural training, animal health, phytosanitary protection) of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Forests and the Environment, and of the Agricultural Development Fund.
World Bank
Technical assistance on the Horticulture Development Project (HDP) – Horticulture technology component (2020-2023)
Technical assistance to the Agroindustry and Food Security Agency of Uzbekistan for the modernisation and development of the horticultural sector through the enhancement of production, post-harvest handling (PHH), storage and packaging technologies throughout the fruit and vegetable value chains.
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