Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists


Selected references
World Bank
Technical assistance on the Horticulture Development Project (HDP) – Horticulture technology component (2020-2023)
Technical assistance to the Agroindustry and Food Security Agency of Uzbekistan for the modernisation and development of the horticultural sector through the enhancement of production, post-harvest handling (PHH), storage and packaging technologies throughout the fruit and vegetable value chains.
French Development Agency
Technical assistance for the implementation and management of the project CNE 1126 - Local Development Support of the Kandadji Programme (2016-2023)
The objective of the project is to build local communities’ capacities to plan and manage agro-pastoral investments, land and natural resources, and to secure access and grazing rights for mobile livestock farming systems. It concerns the regions of Tillabéri and Zinder.
multi- Africa
World Bank
Strategic Partner of the CILSS for support to irrigation solutions under types 1 and 3 (2020-2023)
As part of Component “B” of the Project of Regional Support to the Sahel Irrigation Initiative Support Project (SIIP), the Strategic Partner (SP) under types 1 and 3 provides highly qualified technical assistance to the Regional Coordination Unit of the Project and to the six national Project Management Units (PMU) for the development of “irrigation solutions” to strengthen the capacities of the actors involved in irrigation planning and to implement the solutions identified under type 1 (partial water management: lowlands and controlled flood recession agriculture/cultivation systems) and type 3 (full water management: small-scale irrigation schemes managed by communities).
The SIIP finances efficient and reliable irrigation solutions for the revitalisation/modernisation and management of existing irrigated schemes and the development of new schemes (“sub-projects”), particularly in small- and medium-scale irrigation systems for a total target surface area of 23,225 ha by the end of the project (2023) in the priority intervention zones and divided into five major types of irrigation.
World Bank
Shire Valley Transformation Programme - 1 - Agriculture Development and Commercialisation Consultancy on Production, Marketing and Value Chain Development (2022-2023)
Technical Assistance on the Shire Valley Transformation Programme - 1 (SVTP-1), funded by the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the Global Environment Facility and the Government of Malawi. The objective of this consultancy is to build the capacity of the Smallholder Owned Commercial Farm Enterprises (SOCFEs) established within the Project in the District of Chikwawa, to enable them to professionally manage commercial farms with viable financial status and sustainable market linkages.
Programme for the Global GAP and organic quality certification of Biskra dates (2020-2023)
The overall objective of the mission consists of supporting the target groups (100 producers and 10 packers) of the wilaya of Biskra for the organic and Global GAP certification of dates on date palms and packaged dates. The certifications sought concern target groups or individuals.
French Development Agency
Pilot Project for the Irrigation of Nam Kata (PPINK) (2017-2023)
The main objectives of the technical assistance are to (i) assist in the establishment and running of the WUA of the Nam Kata scheme, (ii) provide extension services to beneficiaries, and (iii) support the District Agriculture and Forestry Office (DAFO) for project management.
European Union
Regional Technical Assistance to the PASTOR Programme (Structural support programme for pastoral development) (2017-2022)
Technical assistance to the Ministry of Livestock and Animal Production (MEPA) for the implementation of the PASTOR programme, which aimed to promote the concerted and sustainable use of Chad's pastoral resources, by creating jobs for young pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and farmers, and by strengthening their resilience.
PASTOR took place in the central (Lake Fitri and Guéra), eastern (Ennedi, Wadi Fira, Ouaddaï, Sila and Salamat) and southern regions (Mandoul and Moyen Chari) of Chad.
The regional activities were implemented by four consortia of NGOs that are beneficiaries of EU grant contracts, totalling €12.4m.
Burkina Faso
European Union
Technical Assistance for the Nutrition and Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Resilience Support Programme (PASANAD) (2017-2022)
Institutional technical assistance for the implementation of PASANAD, whose objective was to help reduce poverty by improving governance in the field of nutrition and food security and strengthening resilience.
The programme was based on a sectorial reform contract (EUR 100 million) and on complementary institutional support for the prevention of chronic malnutrition (EUR 17 million). The services included long-term technical assistance to the Permanent Secretariat for the Coordination of Agricultural Sectorial Policies, the Executive Secretariat of the National Food Security Council, the Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources (MRAH), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Hydraulic Facilities (MAAH), and short-term technical assistance in the fields of monitoring and evaluation, institutional support, forecasting and planning, decentralisation, training, market analysis, nutrition and food security, irrigated agriculture and small-scale livestock farming.
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