Consulting - Engineering - Training
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Sofreco worldwide

Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.

Our clients

We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.

Our teams

Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists

Eastern and Southern Africa

Selected references
World Bank
Mining and Gas Technical Assistance Project. Preparation of a code for the estimation of mineral reserves (2021-2023)
Production of a Resource Code (equivalent to the JORC or SAMREC codes) adapted to the specific characteristics (related to legislation and mining potential) of Mozambique:
1. Benchmarking of good practices in the industry and the specific characteristics of Mozambique
2. Public consultations (ministries involved in mining activities, private companies and the academic sector) to determine the main themes to be developed for the Code
3. Drafting of the Code and the project summary
4. Public presentation
European Union
Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP) Sudan; Result 3: Enhance Education System Governance and Coordination Among Stakeholders (2017-2021)
This technical assistance project aims to support the implementation of the Education Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP) in seven States of Sudan: Khartoum, White Nile, Blue Nile, Gedaref, South Kordofan, Red Sea and Kassala.
African Development Bank
Technical assistance to the Institutional Capacity Building Project (ICBP) (2006-2008)
Technical assistance and capacity building for the following Ministries: Finance, Planning, Agriculture, Public Works, Civil Service and Labour.
Support in the preparation of the Public Investment Programme (PIP); support in the creation of the National Administration School; training in IT, databases, macroeconomy, statistics, public debt management, PIP preparation and management, employment policy, training and management techniques.
African Development Bank
Public revenue mobilisation support project, study on tax and customs incentives (2021-2023)
The objective of the mission was to carry out an in-depth and comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of tax incentives to gain better control of the tax base. It was designed to: (i) carry out a diagnosis of the tax incentive systems in force, (ii) assess their economic impacts and their effectiveness (quantitative analysis of the direct and indirect
effects initially expected), and (iii) propose solutions for rationalising the existing tax systems with a view to achieving a ratio of own revenues to GDP of at least 18% by 2025.
French Development Agency
Technical assistance to IORA for the implementation and coordination of its action plan on the blue economy, fisheries, aquaculture and the marine environment (Part 2) (2020-2023)
The IORA Secretariat has identified the following six priority pillars in the blue economy as recommended by the Council of Ministers’ Meeting and approved by the Secretariat in consultation with the Member States: 1) Fisheries and aquaculture; 2) Renewable ocean energy; 3) Seaports and shipping; 4) Offshore hydrocarbons and seabed minerals; 5) Marine biotechnology, research and development and 6) Tourism.
This project aims to build the capacities of IORA and of its Member States to achieve the specific objectives of the Blue Economy Action Plan with a strong focus on fisheries, aquaculture and the marine environment.
Belgium, China, United States, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Philippines, Rwanda
European Union
EIDHR Evaluation on the Abolition of Death Penalty projects (2006-2007)
Support to the European Commission to improve the impact of the EIDHR (European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights) projects supporting civil society activities aiming at the abolition of the death penalty, by strengthening the Commission’s ability to draw on lessons learnt from past and ongoing interventions for future planning, programming and project identification.
Assessment of the effectiveness and relevance of the EIDHR funded projects in support of the implementation of the EU guidelines and policy on the death penalty.
Lender’s engineer consultancy services for Kwale International Sugar Company Limited’s (KISCOL's) greenfield sugar complex (2012-2022)
Within the framework of the establishment of a 3000 TCD greenfield sugar project, the objectives of the proposed assignment are to: (1) assess the project plans, technology, construction contracts, and review the assumptions of the financial model; (2) produce quarterly reports on the project's progress for the agricultural and industrial components; and (3) validate the deadlines and requests for payment of the various entrepreneurs in line with the works’ progress.
The assignment concerns the whole sugar complex (fields, irrigation and factory).
French Development Agency
Technical studies for the three selected development operations resulting from the Antananarivo Sanitation Master Plan (2022-2024)
The Government of Madagascar has initiated a programme to improve the living environment of the Antananarivo agglomeration and its urbanisation. The present study constitutes the engineering and project management mission for the preparation of the second phase of the Antananarivo Integrated Sanitation Programme (PIAA 2) for three operations: (1) the renovation of the underground part of the Analakely ovoid, (2) the rehabilitation of the drainage network of the stadium and the Mahamasina sector, and (3) the collection and removal of wastewater around Lake Anosy.
The study includes the completion of the detailed technical studies (preliminary design and detailed design), the preparation of the tender documents, the preparation of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and the Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) as well as the drafting of the Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) for each of the three infrastructures.
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