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Consulting - Engineering - Training |
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References by geographical area |
References by field of expertise |
| | | | Ginger SOFRECO is a highly international company in terms of its clients, its partners, the nationalities of its experts, its headquarters staff and its presence in numerous countries.
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| | | | We have three types of clients: governments, administrations and public bodies; public and private companies; multilateral and bilateral development funding agencies.
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| | | | Ginger SOFRECO employs several hundred senior and junior experts of various nationalities, the vast majority of whom are technical specialists
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Technical Assistance in support of public finance management reforms, Cameroon (2019-2023) |
The general objective of the project was to provide Cameroon with a transparent and efficient public finance management (PFM) system that complies with international standards, respects the legal and regulatory prerogatives and attributions of institutions and administrations, as well as those of other PFM actors, and resolutely places public finances at the service of the country's development and the well-being of its citizens. The project consisted of: - institutional and organisational support to strengthen internal and external controls in order to improve the accountability of public institutions through more efficient and coherent oversight bodies at the level of: • judicial oversight, by the Chamber of Auditors and the High Council of the State, • parliamentary oversight, and • administrative oversight; - institutional and organisational support to strengthen tax policy and administration in order to broaden the non-oil tax base. |
| French Development Agency |
Technical assistance for the Programme of Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change (PAVICC) (2021-2023) |
The project aims to support the coordination unit of the Programme of Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change (PAVICC). This programme of nearly €50m supports four major cities in Benin on climate resilience via infrastructure and on local taxation via the recruitment of four tax experts housed directly in the cities to help the local administration improve its resource mobilisation. |
| Technical assistance mission to support the Madagascan civil society's process of autonomy and to improve the strategic partnership between the Delegation of the European Union and civil society - Madagascar (2020-2023) |
The overall objective of this contract is to strengthen civil society, particularly in the governance sector, as an agent for development as part of the implementation of the National Indicative Programme of the 11th European Development Fund and of the budget lines. The specific objective is to improve the efficiency of the strategic partnership of the Delegation of the European Union with Madagascan civil society organisations, in connection with the national institutions, by offering: (i) technical support to contribute to an improved enabling environment and capacity building in these organisations on governance-related issues linked to EU programmes in Madagascar, and (ii) continued support to civil society for the gradual process of autonomy from the multi-donor Common Fund mechanism towards a national entity. |
| Development of a restructuring strategy for precarious neighbourhoods in Greater Tana (2022-2023) |
The main objective of this 6-month mission was to devise a development strategy for the restructuring of precarious neighbourhoods in Greater Tana within the framework of PRODUIR, carried out in a participatory and inclusive manner with all the actors involved in urban development in Greater Tana. It aimed at guiding and directing the Communes of Greater Tana and the Ministry of Land Management and Services (MATSF) in future actions in these neighbourhoods. This strategy was based on the results of the urban and social study carried out under the PRODUIR programme. The study consisted of four stages: (1) defining the urban and socio-economic framework of the precarious neighbourhoods of Greater Tana, (2) SWOT analysis of the various actions carried out in the precarious neighbourhoods and international benchmarking, (3) development of the various aspects of the strategy at different scales, and (4) programming the implementation of the strategy in the short and medium terms for Greater Tana. |
| Technical Assistance for the Programme to Support the Implementation of the Association Agreement (P3AIV) (2019-2022) |
This project supports the P3A PMU in the strategic steering, operational implementation and monitoring of the Programme. It supports the strategic planning, identification, formulation, implementation and/or supervision of activities through the four institutional twinning instruments, TAIEX, SIGMA and ad hoc actions. The TA activities aim for both the institutional and organisational strengthening of the PMU, the strengthening and coordination of the network of focal points within the beneficiary ministries, and the effective supervision of all the activities financed by the programme (from formulation to implementation), and lastly, the effective implementation of part of the activities through short-term (ad hoc) expert assignments. |
| Technical assistance to the Ministry of Development Planning and Aid Coordination (2019-2022) |
The overall objective of the project, which included this contract, was to contribute to the capacity and competence of the government of the Solomon Islands to enhance service delivery to the country’s rural and urban population. The purpose of this contract was to enhance MDPAC's capacity to effectively plan, coordinate, monitor and evaluate development outcomes and the National Authorising Officer’s (NAO) functionalities and operations integrated into mainstream MDPAC. |
| Provision of consultancy services for implementation support and capacity building to the project coordination unit (PCU) in PO-RALG under DMDP (2017-2022) |
The overall objective of the Consultancy services is to; (i) provide technical support and quality assurance to PO-RALG’s PCU and the respective MC PIUs and supervision consultants and contractors they to engaged by each MC to implement sub-projects); (ii) assist and advise the PCU in overall project monitoring and reporting utilizing, where necessary, the monitoring and reporting carried out by the respective PIUs and their support consultants; (iii) assist and advise the PCU in drafting Terms of Reference of key Component 3 studies including metropolitan governance; local government revenue collection and GIS; integrated transport and land use planning (in concert with DART and other key agencies/stakeholders as necessary), and; other urban studies and including Component 4 Feasibility Studies.
| Technical assistance in support of the implementation of the project to support competitiveness and regional integration (PACIR2) (2019-2024) |
The overall objective is to help improve the competitiveness of the private sector and its production, processing and export capacities, to encourage Côte d’Ivoire’s integration in regional and global trade. |
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92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo - 92115 CLICHY Cedex - FRANCE - Tel. +
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